Caroline Hall


发射天 introduces you to North Park University and the resources available to support your success, including presentations on institutional resources, academic success, financial aid, and student life.

Sign Up for First-Year Student 发射天

First-year students will register for classes at 发射天. Every incoming first-year student is required to attend.



First-Year 发射天 Schedule

Sign Up for Transfer Student 发射天

Transfer students begin the registration process by completing a preliminary registration form, which North Park will email after you pay your tuition deposit.

Transfer 发射天s will take place in July. You can attend a Transfer 发射天 for initial North Park course registration or after registering for your first semester of North Park classes.


You've got questions. We've got answers.

Our admissions team will contact you and send more information about North Park and the opportunities available to you here.

Request More Information